Disney Movie Genre Analysis

Average Inflation Adjusted Income of Disney Movies by Genre

Insights - This bar graph displays the average gross income adjusted for inflation for each genre of Disney movies. It can clearly be seen that on average Musical movies gather significantly more income than other genres of Disney movies. Following Musical movies, Adventure, and Action movies have the next highest average gross income. An important point to note is that while Musical movies have the highest average income, there are only 16 Musical movies being analyzed. In light of this, the average income of Adventure movies is much more impressive, obtaining the second highest average income with a total of 129 movies analyzed.

Composition of MPAA Ratings for Genres of Disney Movies

Insights -These pie charts show the proportion of MPAA ratings in each of the 12 genres of Disney movies. Most notably, there are 2 genres, Black Comedy and Concert/Performance, that appear to have received the same MPAA rating for all their movies. While this may initially seem surprising, it makes sense when we consider the nature of these genres. Black comedy requires dark humor that may draw on mature themes or references, making movies in the genre far more likely to receive the ‘Restricted’ rating. This theme continues when we look at a similar genre, Horror, which received the ‘R’ rating on 80% of its movies. In comparison, movies from a more family-friendly genres like Musicals had the highest share of ‘General’ ratings (66.7%), indicating their suitability for all ages.